The International Association for Christian Education is an umbrella organisation of Protestant national associations and organisations of teachers and schools (members from 12+ countries). The self-understanding of IV is to act as a council, which represents the interests of its members on the European level. It encourages co-operation amongst its member organisations and works on issues of the realisation of Protestant responsibility in education in Europe. Its aim is also to strengthen the Protestant position in the discussion of education policy in Europe.

President: Piet Jansen (NL) pja@scopescholen.nl

Secretary: Michael Jacobs (DE) schulleitung@tfg-duesseldorf.de

Treasurer: Bertrand Knobel (CH)

Representative in CoGREE: Michael Jacobs (DE) and Piet Jansen (NL)


You want to learn more? Visit http://www.int-v.org/