A lot is going on in the field of religion & education in Europe. We try to keep up and will inform you about it here.
PILGRIM-Lehrveranstaltungen an der KPH Wien/Krems
PILGRIM news: Wenn Sie auf den Button klicken, kommen Sie zu den PLIGRIM-Lehrveranstaltungen an der KPH Wien /Krems KPH Wien/Krems
New MOOC course: Learn to develop a sustainable mindset
Currently, there is no way ignoring the topic of climate change and human-made ecological crises: We humans urgently need to change our consumption and lifestyles and act more “sustainably”. There…
News from PILGRIM
The international education network PILGRIM has chosen “Ecology of the heart – paths to spirituality from the earth” as its motto for the year. The fasting of Islam was taken…
CoGREE team reflects on future focus
The CoGREE Steering Group meeting on 15.05.24 (via Zoom) began under the impression of the death of Lesley Prior, the esteemed secretary of CoGREE and representative of EFTRE. She was…
50 years of CEEC
Founded in 1974, upon the initiative of Monseigneur DAELEMANS, the initial aim of the CEEC was to represent Catholic Education in the European region – in particular within the International…
The little BIG handbook of DEMOCRACY – in relation to religious education
ICCS news: Heid Leganger-Krogstad The European Wergeland Centre, now working in close relation to Council of Europe for 15 years in Oslo, Norway, has newly developed a free learning material…