A new issue of the EREnews has been published. It is the first edition published by the new editorial team now at Roma Tre University (Italy). The scientific committee of the e-journal, which has just been set up, is composed by Professors at the Masters degree in “Religions, Cultures, History”: Alberto D’Anna, Gennaro Gervasio, Mariachiara Giorda, Alessandra Gribaldo, Maria Lupi, Raimondo Michetti, Caterina Moro and Carla Noce.

The aim of EREnews, quarterly multilingual electronic newsletter published since 2003, is to inform about events, documents, publications related to the religion/s managing in the public educational and academic space in the European Union. Starting from the next issue, EREnews will have a new graphic design and will be a “plural product” on which more hands and more voices will work. This process of restructuring the newsletter is a work in progress and there will be many new features that you will be able to personally appreciate from the next issue.
EREnews is (and remains) a newsletter of information and updates which, with one eye on Europe and another on the whole world, aims to analyse from an educational, scientific, and social point of view the impact and relevance of Religious Studies in academic and educational contexts.
ERE will also become a space for dialogue and confrontation: to use a metaphor, the editors like to imagine it as a “square” (a real agorà) in which discussion and debate on the role that religions still play in education and in the public dimension will become central.

Download the issue 1 in 2021 here: EREnews_XIX_1_2021

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