A new issue of the EREnews has been published. It is the first edition published after this 20 year old newsletter has been renewed by the new editorial team now at Roma Tre University (Italy). As the editorial staff states in the editorial of this issue, “The bulletin (…) is divided into two parts: the first, entirely dedicated to information, is composed of a reasoned press review organised by themes and focused on different geographical areas; a section dedicated to new publications; a section on projects, experiments and workshops in progress; and a notice of Calls for Papers, conferences and seminars (past and future). The second part, which we like to call “monographic section”, is made up of an in-depth examination of a specific theme (…), dealt with from an international point of view, and an informative space, dedicated to illustrating the teaching of religion/religions in the different European school systems.”

In this issue, you find press reviews on the topics of Catholic religion at school, teaching Islam at school, the debate on religion at school, religions and academia as well as religious symbols at school. The “monographic section” contains an interview with Dr Giovanni Lapis from the University of Venice on the state of the art of religious studies in Europe – legislation, projects, experiments and the reality of the facts.

Enjoy reading!


Download the issue 2 in 2021 here: EREnewsXIX_2_2021

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